Everything you DON’T need on your baby registry
Tommy and I didn’t create our baby registry until I was 7 months pregnant and had a covid-friendly drive-through baby shower and people starting asking us for our registry. Creating a baby registry is really fun, but also really overwhelming. There are a few things that are absolutely necessary, like a car seat, a safe place for your baby to sleep, and diapers. But, when you start to look at baby registry lists, there are so many items.
Another hard part of creating a registry is that technology comes out with the latest and greatest product all the time and it’s so easy to get caught up and think you need all of them for your new baby. (We definitely got sucked into the SNOO hype and we are not fans. More on that in a future post.)
So today I’m going to share some of the things that were on my baby registry (and some of my friends’ thoughts too) that weren’t quite as necessary as people said they were. I hope this is helpful! Maybe you can even take a few things out of your shopping carts. (And make a little more room in your cart for pregnancy wardrobe must-haves and postpartum must-haves!!)
Unnecessary Baby Registry Items
Diapering items
Wipe warmers
A wipe warmer was one of those baby items that was totally unnecessary. I won’t lie, I like it. When Thomas was tiny, he seemed to really like it too. Now that he’s older (4.5 months), he seems to prefer the cold wipes since it makes him laugh. But if you’re trying to nix a few things from your registry, nix a wipe warmer.
Diaper genie
We like having this in his nursery just so the smell is contained and we don’t need to empty the trash daily. But if you’re up for taking your trash out regularly, it’s not necessary. I also don’t find his poopy diapers super smelly so that helps too.
Baby powder
We don’t use anything close to this. Also we do NOT use baby cologne. I don’t know what the heck that is, but I saw it on a few baby registry lists. HARD PASS. My baby smells wonderful as is.
If you’re looking for a good diaper rash product, try Tubby Tod or Motherlove Diaper Balm. (If you order directly from the Motherlove site, use promo code afoodiestaysfit15 for 15% off.) I also really like the Primally Pure Baby Balm for his bum and all over, really. (Use TERI for 10% off Primally Pure.) He has very dry skin and both Motherlove and Primally Pure helped a LOT.
Baby Bum Brush
These little silicone tools can be used to apply diaper rash creams and such. We use our fingers and don’t mind at all so we skipped registering for that.
Cloth Changing Pads
Cloth changing pads have to be washed a lot. We use our Keekaroo Peanut Changer more often since we can wipe down any blowouts.
Baby Clothes
Baby shoes
I know they’re so cute, but babies aren’t walking. They’ don’t need shoes. When we venture out in the stroller or to a pediatrician appointment when it’s cold, we put Zutano booties on him.
Baby detergent
We use Seventh Generation Free & Clear which is unscented and designed for sensitive skin. You don’t need a separate baby detergent if you already use one with gentler ingredients. My son has sensitive skin and we haven’t had any issues with Seventh Generation.
Cloth bibs
I’m still breastfeeding but when Thomas eats baby food, I plan to use silicone bibs that can be rinsed off. Cloth bibs are helpful, however, to help catch drool throughout the day though and save an outfit!
Baby socks
They just don’t stay on. Get Zutanos or footed sleepers instead.
Baby Clothes Hangers
I have some baby hangers, but anything in the closet gets forgotten. Plus, if it’s cute enough to need a hanger, it’s not really practical for daily wear. I use the clothes in his drawer far more often since they’re top of mind (and top of dresser!).
Newborn Mittens
So cute, but not necessary and they get gross!
Baby Linens
Crib bedding
Crib fitted sheets were unnecessary for us the first few months since he was in a bassinet. So if you want to hold off on some purchases, hold off on this. And remember, when a baby is sleeping, practice safe sleep and don’t put anything else in the bassinet or crib. Use only a fitted sheet with NO blankets or stuffed animals in the crib. (The photo above was taken months before Thomas was sleeping in his crib!)
Baby hooded bath towels
We love them and think the hood is helpful for keeping his head warm. And it’s dang cute with bath time. But nope, they’re not really necessary. Any towel will do.
You only need one or two, and you definitely have some already that you could use! If you do want a baby-specific blanket, we like the size of this one. It’s perfect to tuck in around a car seat to keep him warm.
Feeding Essentials
Microwaveable sanitizing bags
We much prefer the bottle sterilizer since microwaving plastic freaks me out!
Dishwasher basket
We wash everything by hand and put it in the sanitizer. We may use a dishwasher basket but I’m thinking we can put any small things in the utensil baskets.
Bottle dryer
We take everything right from the sanitizer into a simple basket to store. We don’t put anything on the designated bottle drying rack we have. (I should really just put it away and clear up some counter space!)
Baby Gear
Diaper Bag or Backpack
My diaper backpack is very cute, but we don’t venture out often so I don’t really need it. Plus, you can definitely get away with using a regular tote bag! I often just grab my Barrington tote bag and toss in a Tote Savvy organizer that I keep filled with the essentials, like diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, a hat and burp cloths. But, if I’m venturing solo (vs. with my husband along to help), I DO like my diaper backpack so my hands are free. But again, you could just use a regular backpack!
Pacifier wipes
These are unnecessary. We keep extra pacis in his diaper bag if one gets dropped. Never mind he doesn’t actually take a paci and we also rarely leave the house. I think it’s better to have extra pacis around and then just regularly sanitize them.
Bottom line:
While there are lots of things you don’t need, there are lots of things that make life a new baby much easier. I update my baby registry post regularly with what we use most often!
What did you find was totally unnecessary that you registered for or were gifted?
Things We Actually Use
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